Dressing for inner confidence

Lucy and Leigh talk about how to use clothing to create and express inner confidence

Confidence can be a difficult thing to define. 

How confident we are comes from the inside and shows on the outside.  We can feel it when we have it and when we don’t and we can recognise it in others.  

Inner confidence shines on the outside.

Sometimes we can knock our confidence with the things we tell ourselves and maybe we have been telling ourselves these things for many years.  These thoughts have become habits that are so ingrained we’ve forgotten we created them somewhere along the line and we can change them.

Clothes can be a good place to start to feel confident. They provide the practical tools of colours and styles we can use to create confidence in ourselves and to discover and express our own authentic style. And confidence comes when the outside and inside are connected.

    I’m absolutely delighted with what we achieved. I feel very happy with what was culled for re-homing. Everything feels much more harmonious now and a sense of calm and order prevails.  I’ve taken away some very valuable tips from our sessions and been able to understand why I just didn’t get on with some items.


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