A range of tailor-made Style Coaching™ Workshops and Presentations are available with advance booking.

Each is designed to meet the specific needs and requirements of you and your group.  Highly recommended  is a series of workshops which will take you and your group on a journey through the complete Style Coaching™ process.  My presentations can also be designed on an individual,  stand alone basis. 

As Style Coaching™ is very visual with a practical application I ensure the Workshops and Presentations are interactive and involve  participants in demonstrations to bring the theory into practice for the whole group. 

My Workshops and Presentations are ideal for groups such as companies, social groups, schools, colleges, community events and many more.  

Please contact me for availability and pricing which will be based on your tailor-made Workshop or Presentation programme and the number of participants

The programme can be one session or a series that goes through the Style Coaching™ process

Introduction to Style Coaching™

This session introduces you to the transformation of Style Coaching™ and the many tools you can use to look and feel great every day. 

When the clothes you wear work for your colouring, body, personality and lifestyle everything works together for you to look and feel amazing.  When what you wear is combined with self-care and an inner confidence, looking stylish and feeling confident is effortless and shows in your posture, body language and how you go about your day.

Dressing with Confidence & Style

What does the word style mean to you? 

Style is not something we are born with – it is something everyone can learn. Everyone has a personal style but discovering it can feel elusive. 

The way we look, and the way we feel about it, can influence how we see ourselves and how others perceive us.  During this session we’ll look at different body shapes and style personalities and how to dress them to create a look that complements you.  Being stylish and confident is about dressing to enhance your body and developing and being comfortable with your own style.  The more you know about the styles that complement you the easier it is to buy and wear clothes and outfits that work and make you feel confident.

Wearing Colour with Confidence & Style

The way we dress is a powerful form of non-verbal communication and visually expresses who we are. 

Colour is a magic and vital element of that.  It affects our physical appearance; both how we look and feel, and how others view us.  

In this session, you’ll be introduced to the colour palettes.   You’ll see the effect of choosing colours that harmonise with your colouring and how that can lead to a wardrobe of clothes that work together. Mixing and matching colours that work for you makes shopping, and using the clothes you already have, easier and more creative.  At the same time saving time and money.

As I believe colour is something you experience there will be a demonstration of the power of the colour palettes on two volunteers from the group. 

Wardrobe Evaluation

How do you feel about the items in your wardrobe? Do you have what you need to dress how you wish in every area of your life? Do you love, wear and feel confident in everything?  

It’s said that many people wear 20% of their clothes 80% of the time.   Knowing why some items feel great and get worn a lot and others don’t will transform how you look at clothes.  Some find it really hard to let go of things they don’t wear so it’s  easy to end up with lots of clothes but feel you have nothing to wear.

In this session we’ll discuss; how to know what clothes you need, how to get organised, how to store your clothes so that  every item is visible allowing you to get dressed quickly and creatively, how to let things go as well as many more suggestions to help you achieve a workable, easy wardrobe full of clothes you love and can wear today.


Accessories are personal.

The accessories you choose individualise and add interest to an outfit and are the simplest and most effective way of keeping up to date and transforming outfits in so many ways. They make your clothes extremely versatile. 

Accessories are the finishing touches and details that really express your own style but, at the same time, they need to be practical and work for your lifestyle. In this fun and lighthearted workshop we’ll cover the range of accessories available from shoes to jewellery to scarves and everything in between.  We’ll discuss how to choose what’s right for your face and body shape and details such as clothing lines, scale and proportions.  This will give you what you need to really use accessories and create the looks you want for different areas of your life….every day. 

Ageing Stylishly

As we get older changes start to happen.  We might start to notice the odd wrinkle or grey hair or perhaps changes in our body shape. 

Whilst we can’t stop the ageing process we can maintain a youthful outlook and appearance.  As we learn and continually grow through life it is possible to embrace and enjoy the process of getting older.

During this session we will look at the changes that are occurring, our beliefs, how ageing has no set rules and how we can grow older looking after our bodies and dressing with style, grace and self-respect.

No matter what your age you can look and feel good about yourself and your life.

Clothing Clinic

This session brings Style Coaching™ theory into practice;  You may have something in your wardrobe you never wear or something you wear a lot. 

You know how it feels but you can’t put your finger on  why you love it ….. or not.  Explore and discover why in this workshop.

Together we’ll review an outfit of your choice, looking  at what’s working and what can be improved.  I’ll assess an item of your clothing and give you a checklist on how to know whether something complements you or not.  You’ll see the item with fresh eyes and with your new knowledge you’ll be able to  edit  the details to  transform an outfit.  You can use this skill  when you look at the items already in your wardrobe or when shopping.

This is a great session if you are new to looking at your clothing in this way or if you have been working on the clothes in your wardrobe for some time.  There is always more to learn especially from each other.

Please bring an outfit you want to look at; come to the session wearing it or bring it with you to try on.  

Note : The number of participants will determine how this session is managed.  For a smaller group we can look at everyone’s item. For a larger group we will look at  cross sections of clothing such as skirts, dresses, trousers etc.

This workshop can be offered as a charity event

All donations go to my chosen business charity Smile Train or to a charity of your choice

Get in touch to find out more

To discuss your tailor-made Workshop or Presentation Programme, participant numbers and pricing.

Call me on 01223 563360 or complete the form.

    I donate to Smile Train because they change lives one smile at a time

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