Alex & Lucy talk about the phases of the Style Coaching process she works on with her clients.

The Phases of Style Coaching : The Process
What’s The Style Coaching Process?
Alex & Lucy talk about the process Lucy works through with her clients to create a successful, supportive, confident, creative, self expressive, calm, orderly space to visit every morning.
They talk about Lucy’s five Style Coaching Phases which are :
1. The Tools: knowing your most flattering colours and styles.
2. You: aligning your clothes with your lifestyle, expressing your personal style, exploring your style story.
3. Your wardrobe: using a systematic and informed approach to evaluate what you have, how it’s working, how things are stored and so on.
4. What’s next? This could be further exploration of your personal style, intentional shopping, a pause in shopping, being creative with what you already have, having things altered and so on.
5. Review & adjust: Regular reviews and adjustments to keep your wardrobe in alignment with you and your life as you evolve.