The Phases of Style Coaching : Your Wardrobe

Alex & Lucy talk about how to get started with evaluating your wardrobe.

Alex & Lucy talk about how to get started on evaluating the contents of your wardrobe especially as Spring arrives.

Your wardrobe is the place you visit every day to get dressed.

What kind of space is it? 

Alex & Lucy talk about how to get started on evaluating, planning and building your wardrobe.

Once you have the foundations in place – knowing the colours and styles that flatter you and your body, what you need for your personal and professional lifestyle, your own style preferences, what can get in your way. 

The next step is knowing where you are now.

To get a real view of where you are now.  To do a stock take…of all items with the numbers!

At this stage you don’t have to take anything out, try anything on, be concerned whether you wear an item or not, whether it fits or not, what size it is, whether you like it or not.  You don’t even have to touch anything.

It’s actually quite a quick process.  Making a list.

As you refamiliarise yourself with what’s there you begin to see your clothes collection with fresh eyes.

Lucy brings fresh eyes and partnership with a process to follow to get from where you are now to where you want to be.

Evaluation not overwhelm.

    Going through my wardrobe with someone is a very personal experience.  Clothes can conjure up memories and emotions that Lucy handles not only professionally and patiently, but with understanding.  There is no pressure to get rid of an article of clothing, however, Lucy asks simple and insightful questions to help clarify what we have and why, as well as what is worn and what isn’t worn and why.  I eliminated clothes from my closet that were no longer of use to me, as well as learned how I could make some items wearable or more versatile. 


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