The Phases of Style Coaching : Your Style Story

Alex & Lucy talk about your style story

What’s your style story?

Do you even think you have a style story?

In the You part of my Style Coaching process we look at lifestyle and personal style. And your style story.

Everyone’s style story will be different and it will evolve as you and your life evolve.

In exploring your style story you become aware of, and consciously curious about, the thoughts and habits that have become so automatic you may not even know they’re there.

With awareness, you can make conscious choices about yourself and your style. Choose to keep the thoughts, habits and patterns that work and let go of those that don’t.

The result is embracing your unique style without the restraints you may have put on yourself without even realising.

    Thank you for the amazing group style session!  It was loads of fun and amazingly helpful. I’m now more confident and decisive when buying anything from a t-shirt to an evening gown.  Plus, I was just complimented by my Mom (tough critic) on my overall appearance, so I know it’s working.


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