It all started about colors, autumn colors ! 

14 years ago I got the chance to meet Lucy in Asia and she coached me about style and colours. As I was transitioning to a new job, Lucy’s coaching helped me to understand which clothes fit me in the best way, with comfort and style.

Back in Europe, 6 months ago when I changed jobs to a new Senior Director role, I felt I needed Lucy’s advice again. The experience of being coached by Lucy via remote access (Teams) is amazing ! 

Lucy helps me to build up, step by step, my wardrobe and accessories. Taking into account my working environment, my style, my position in the company and my personality. We also share about ways to communicate through various remote systems, taking into account those details in the light, make-up and background that are important for the message given to the audience.

In a word: Lucy’s coaching is precious to me. I feel good in my clothes & style and I start the day with confidence


Lucy’s approach was very much personalised to me – my needs, my desires and my preferences, while also very carefully educating me about myself and finding a style solution that feels great. I never imagined I could feel effortlessly (and comfortably) smart, but Lucy has shown me how it is possible, in a style that is still entirely mine.


After having a very in-depth consultation with Lucy – she produced a style guide to help me to understand the styles and colours to best suit my body shape, colouring and lifestyle. 

I was guilty of wearing a lot of black and grey as I wasn’t sure of the colours that suited me best so it was lovely to find out that my most flattering colours to wear were “Autumn” shades, which I really love. Lucy produced a really helpful book of colour swatches that I often use when I go shopping! 

Working with Lucy has really helped me to refine my wardrobe, make shopping for new clothes easier and to feel more confident in the clothes that I wear.

Thank you Lucy! 


Lucy is such a wonderful person to go through this experience with. She made me feel comfortable throughout the entire process, and it was just so much fun to work with her! I was expecting to learn a little bit about my body shape and what specific colors would look good on me – but I wasn’t expecting for the journey to be so insightful and exciting at the same time. Not only did I really learn about different clothing shapes that would completely enhance my body, but Lucy helped me get rid of a lot of negative notions I’d held onto since I was a teenager. She also helped me explore colors that I’d never considered wearing while simultaneously helping me to understand why some colors really didn’t look great on me. But the best part was the wardrobe session where we virtually went through all my clothes. Lucy helped me get rid of all the dead weight in my wardrobe and truly find my style. She helped me weed through clothes I knew I needed to get rid of but needed someone like Lucy to tell me it was ok to let go.

Lucy truly is a dream to work with! She clearly loves what she does and wants to help people feel more confident in life. What she does is so important and she doesn’t at all make it feel like work. I looked forward to every session I had with her; she was so easy to talk to and confide in, it really made the whole process enjoyable. I cannot recommend Lucy or what she does more – she will absolutely make a positive and long-lasting impact on your life.  


Thank you Lucy.  I’m absolutely delighted with what we achieved. I feel very happy with what was culled for re-homing. Everything feels much more harmonious now and a sense of calm and order prevails.  I’ve taken away some very valuable tips from our sessions and been able to understand why I just didn’t get on with some items. I have a much better take on smart shirts now and am blown away by your clever use of scarves as belts and bags.  So, so clever! I’m going to try to be more adventurous and mix and match more items and combine things that I’ve never worn together before.  

Your visit has had a great impact on me. I am viewing things in a very different light altogether. It has been very worthwhile indeed. 


I was really fed up with my wardrobe. I spent so much time choosing something to wear and promptly putting it back again because I didn’t like it any more, or it didn’t fit. What a waste of time.

I’m so pleased I did the colour & style session and wardrobe evaluation with Lucy, she’s brilliant! Thanks to Lucy I now know which clothes make the most of my body shape. And understanding colours was a revelation: I used to wonder why some things drained me and some things made me feel great – and now I know! And even better, I don’t have to remember it because she made me this fabulous wallet of swatches.

She also created a personal style portfolio which is a great reference and includes colour combinations I would never have thought of – but I know with confidence I could now put them together and feel fabulous.

I now enjoy going to my wardrobe and I’m having fun with the clothes I’ve got. If your body shape has changed, or, like me, your work circumstances have changed, or you love clothes but don’t love your wardrobe, definitely get in touch with Lucy.


Lucy is extremely talented and a fab eye for colour style and very motivational. I would thoroughly recommend her. She did wonders for my wardrobe, sense of style and identifying the colours that made me zing!


I was at a low ebb when Lucy helped me to find my style and regain my confidence. She was empathetic and professional, with a great instinct to knowing what would work.

This was a long time ago when my children were small. And we are still in touch! Everyone needs a Lucy in their life!


I run my own business and want to use my time efficiently, so I was delighted that Lucy could help me reduce the time I spend thinking about my style and wardrobe.

She analyzed the colours and clothes styles that suit my skin and body type best. 

Then she helped me go through my entire wardrobe and throw out anything that wasn’t a good color or fit, or wasn’t something that I absolutely loved and wore regularly. It was GREAT to create space!

And, finally, we went shopping together. She showed me how to quickly scan a shop for the sort of clothes that would be best for me and opened my eyes to some styles that I hadn’t considered before. So wonderful!

I wholeheartedly recommend seeking out Lucy’s support if you want to save time and feel fabulous!


Thank you for the amazing group style session!  It was loads of fun and amazingly helpful.  As a busy Mom with youngsters, I didn’t think I could really do much to improve my style and still be practical, but you’ve shown me I can.  You taught me how to improve my wardrobe through color, contrast, and cut.  Plus, you taught me how to make my shopping more efficient, which is important because I have little time or attention to dedicate to it.  I’m now more confident and decisive when buying anything from a t-shirt to an evening gown.  Plus, I was just complimented by my Mom (tough critic) on my overall appearance, so I know it’s working.


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