
I thought I knew my colours, but I decided to go to Lucy to have her do my colours. She was amazing, and I was a season out. I’ve never forgotten what she showed me about my colouring and what truly suits me.  I still follow the guidelines she’s given me. Everytime I shop I only buy my colours…they always look and feel the best.

I thought I knew my colours, but I decided to go to Lucy to have her do my colours. She was amazing, and I was a season out. I’ve never forgotten what she showed me about my colouring and what truly suits me.  I still follow the guidelines she’s given me. Everytime I shop I only buy my colours…they always look and feel the best.

I signed up for Lucy to analyse my figure type and style, and then for her to see my wardrobe.  Her professional approach was amazing, and it’s one of the best things I have ever had done!  It’s therapy in ways I never thought about before, besides knowing with confidence what clothes work best for me every time.

I recommend everyone to have this done, it’s so worth it.

    Thank you for the amazing group style session!  It was loads of fun and amazingly helpful. I’m now more confident and decisive when buying anything from a t-shirt to an evening gown.  Plus, I was just complimented by my Mom (tough critic) on my overall appearance, so I know it’s working.


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    I donate to Smile Train because they change lives one smile at a time

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