This is the Privacy Notice for Lucy Barrett Style Coach™

This Privacy Notice is not here to be agreed to, signed, consented to or otherwise.

Its only purpose is to inform you about how and why your personal data is used so that I am as transparent as possible, and to ensure that you are aware of your rights under data protection legislation. I may update this privacy notice from time to time and so please review regularly.

1. Who I am

I am Lucy Barrett Style Coach™

Contact details are :
01223 563360

2. The Basics 

Lucy Barrett Style Coach™ is committed to protecting your privacy.  I only use the information that I collect about you lawfully and in accordance with Data Protection Legislation.

  • I keep the minimum amount of information I can about you
  • I use your personal data to provide Life and Style Coaching™ services to you and meet my legal obligations 
  • Your details are kept confidentially
  • I delete your data when it is no longer needed for these services 
  • I do not pass your information to third parties – but there are some exceptions shown in the Third Parties section of this Notice
  • You have many privacy rights 
  • I apply appropriate technical and organisational controls to keep your data secure 
  • I am happy to respond to any queries you may have about your data. You can contact me here :

3. What data do I process? 

As my client, I may collect the following information about you: 

  • your name
  • contact information such as email addresses, phone numbers, postal address and other contact information such as Skype, WhatsApp, Messenger and so on.
  • details necessary for Style Coaching™ such as age, seasonal colour palette information (ie. hair, eye and skin colour), body shape, background information (ie questionnaires) and photos supplied by you as the client, and session and coaching notes. 
  • during the course of your Style Coaching™ Programme we may share a Pinterest board which will be a secret board on which we collaborate. On this board you may voluntarily share your uploaded photos, pins and comments. What you share with me will be kept on that secret collaborative board and not shared with third parties in any way. You can obtain the Pinterest Privacy Policy at this address 
  • information and documentation about your matters or enquiries, including communications with you 
  • billing and payment information 

As a potential client, I will hold the following: 

  • Your name, and contact information 
  • Relevant information gathered from yourself and sources such as websites, LinkedIn and social media.

4. Explaining the lawful basis 

References to the basis of processing (e.g. “(Basis: Art. 6.1.f)”) are a reference to the article of the General Data Protection Regulation under which I undertake the processing in question. This will usually be an Article 6 lawful basis; in the very rare circumstances that Special category Data is processed, a suitable Art 9 basis will be listed.

5. Information Use for Providing Life and Style Coaching™ Advice 

  • I use the information I hold about you solely for the purpose of giving you the best Style Coaching™  service I can. 
  • To contact clients and enquirers in the course of delivering that service I will add your contact details to my  internal email address book. 
  • Depending on client preferences I may communicate with you via phone, text, email, Zoom, Skype of other messaging services. 
  • I also use your information to send information and portfolios, invoices, and keep track of payments that you make, as well as to keep in contact throughout our relationship.  

Information is not used for any other purposes.

(Basis: Art. 6.1.b – performance of a contract): this is necessary to deliver the service to you. 

6. Sending occasional News and Emails to Prospective and Existing Clients 

If you are an existing client, potential client, we have met at a networking event or you have contacted me via my website I will use your provided contact information to contact you to explore business opportunities with you. 

(Basis: Art. 6.1.f – legitimate interests.  I have a legitimate interest to send clients information relating to my services)

If at any time, you want to stop receiving emails from me, simply let me know and I will stop. 

7. Third parties 

My Lucy Barrett Style Coaching™ service is confidential.  Information is not shared in any way and, as a general principle, I will not transfer your personal data to third parties without your permission. 

There are some exceptions to this: 

  • By legal obligation.  It is possible, though unlikely, that I might be forced to disclose your information in response to a court order or other binding mandate. Lawful basis Art 6.1.c Legal Obligation 
  • I do use an external accountancy service and they have limited visibility of your personal business data for the administration of company financial affairs. Art 6.1.f I have a legitimate interest to allow my Accountant to have limited access to my client personal data in order to manage my accounts. 
  • If you do not pay your invoice, I may choose to engage a third party to recover any money you owe. I have never done this, but I want to keep this option open. Lawful basis Art 6.1.f I have a legitimate interest to pursue money owed to me. 
  • As part of my continuous professional development I undertake coaching supervision.  Although I may discuss professional coaching challenges and situations this will never involve me breaching client confidentiality.

8. Security 

The GDPR requires me to implement appropriate technical and organisational measures to protect data. All information is kept securely.  Paper notes are kept in a locked cabinet. Electronic storage is password protected. 

9. Website

Website contact form : information entered on this form is not saved by the website.  It is not used for marketing purposes other than to contact you as requested to arrange appointments and as part of the Lucy Barrett Style Coaching™ service.  

Cookies & Analytics : The website uses cookies.  These do not identify you personally and help the website run efficiently.  Some analytics information is collected for my use, the web host and Google Analytics.  This information does not identify you personally and is restricted to page views, device types and some imprecise geographic data.  You can see Google Analytics terms of use  here

10. Your rights 

You have rights in respect of the processing of your personal data. You can: 

  • get access to your personal data and the information held by Lucy Barrett Style Coaching™.  This includes contact data, email, photos session and coaching notes.
  • ask me to rectify any inaccurate information I may inadvertently hold 
  • In some circumstances, restrict my processing of your data and compel me to erase the bits I do not use for legal purposes
  • Object to my processing for business to business marketing

If you want to exercise any of these rights, please just get in contact at

I will need to ensure you are who you say you are when you submit a Rights Request and I will respond in a timely manner and within one month of receipt once I have validated ID where needed.

You also have the right to lodge a complaint with a supervisory authority — the UK’s Information Commissioner’s Office. 

Information Commissioner’s Office 
Wycliffe House 
Water Lane 
SK9 5AF 

Telephone: 0303 123 1113 

11. Retention periods 

Client data and  information : the information I collect, coaching notes and related materials are stored securely for 7 years after the completion of our coaching relationship.  This is to comply with my business insurance requirements.  After this time the information is safely destroyed.  

Data about prospective clients: 2 years from last meaningful contact unless you have asked us to suppress your details. If you have requested suppression, we will keep the bare minimum so that we can be sure not to re-add you to any mailing lists. 

Data about specific matters: duration of the matter, then seven years. 

I think that covers everything, but if you feel that I’ve forgotten something, please let me know by emailing:

PN Version 002 Last Updated 21/07/2021

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